Pilgrim Blue

The Pilgrim Blue Travel Journal

How we get to where we’re headed.

Calm Technology Reading List

When I wrote The Responsive Web in 2014, I wanted to use the idea of responsive web design to move interface design towards a more seamless integration with our lives. In the book I open by discussing how users should be able to move through the interfaces effortlessly, like a single drop of water rolling down a leaf. Towards the end of the publishing process I added a chapter at the last minute about contextual awareness, which was the idea that an interface should gather context from your environment to better understand the user’s intent.

This idea stayed with me all this time, that our screens should work smarter for us. In doing research around this topic I stumble across a book called Calm Technology by Amber Case and found resonance in her description of non-intrusive design.

I decided that in creating Pilgrim Blue that non-intrusive design would be the cornerstone of our work. We shouldn’t strive to make more software for software’s sake, or ad-hoc solutions limited in scope to solving a singular challenge. In all our undertakings we should look to what’s currently a part of a client’s digital footprint, before adding any new ingredients. Why build a custom intelligence platform when we can connect existing services and start yielding results sooner?

If you’re looking for a partner to help you connect the dots, Pilgrim Blue is here for you.

If you’re interested in learning more about some of the non-intrusive interface theory that we find inspiring, here’s a few to start with:

I’ll be writing more on this topic soon. If you’re interested in learning more, send me a note on what you’d like to hear.

Today’s Wisdom

“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another — and ourselves.”

— Jack Kornfield

matthew carver